The Right Talent. Technology. Digital

The Right Talent. Technology. Digital


Who we are

Our approach

« First who then what »

Digital and Technology are the heart of every strategy, every new business model. To successfully lead and execute these innovative projects, companies are competing to attract the same talents.

In such a competitive market, hiring top talents has become more and more complex. As a recruitment partner, we believe it is necessary today to bring more value and imagine new ways of connecting recruiters and candidates

Our approach is founded on two key elements: 

High tech

The expertise and reliability of a highly specialized team, which brings its deep understanding of the Digital/Tech ecosystem, professions and organizations

High touch

Recruiting successfully starts with actually meeting one another. Our approach, strengthened by a professional coach background, puts people and genuine relationships at the center of the recruitment process


Daniel Hansberger

Founder and Managing Partner at WHO Talent Partners. With a double business and HR background, Daniel has over 20 years’ experience in the Digital / Tech industry and over a decade hiring Digital & Technology executives and high-level experts for leading pure players as well as traditional businesses across all sectors.

Daniel Hansberger

Vanessa Boudin-Lestienne

Vanessa Boudin-Lestienne

After 20 years+ in the European Digital ecosystem, Vanessa joined WHO Talent Partners as Associate Director/Partner. Vanessa brings her experience as a Digital executive, a deep understanding of the Digital businesses and professions, and her experiences as a manager and team leader.

Sophie Saveuse

Sophie is a Consultant at WHO Talent Partners. She graduated in 2007 from Audencia Business School and has spent all her career in Tech recruitment, both as a Consultant and an internal Talent Acquisition Manager in fast growing IT Consulting companies. She is also a trained professional coach (International Mozaïk).

Sophie Saveuse​


What we do

Our service offer

Executive Search

Recruitment of Top Executives and high level Experts in Technology (IS/IT, SW Engineering, Product, Cloud, Cybersecurity, Architecture, IoT…) and Digital (Digital transformation, E-commerce, Data, Client Experience, Digital Marketing).


When the right candidate is recruited, only 50% of the job is actually done. A successful position taking often depends on the candidate’s ability to quickly develop new skills, to adapt to a new company culture, to find meaning in his/her role.. we are able to bring value in the onboarding phase and help secure strategic recruitments

What makes us different

Strong expertise on Digital/Tech professions and organizations to help you define your need and advise you at each step of the search
Proven expertise in candidate identification and selection, working for the leading players in Technology and Digital in France
Ability to bring added value to the matching of candidate personality and company culture and organization - often more complex to assess and manage in a recruitment process

We offer new ways to meet interesting candidates

Our values: excellence, client first, integrity, consideration

Client references



Our ambition is to propose a new experience to candidates: a recruitment partner and not only a head-hunter

Our service offer

Talent Agent

You are a Technology/Digital professional and you want to prepare the next step of your career? We provide career consulting services to a selection of candidates independently from our recruitment assignments and offer new ways to meet Recruiters.

New opportunities

We operate by direct approach only and do not publish any job offer. Please send us your CV if you are interested in new career opportunities.

What makes us different

We have a deep understanding of what you do and the ecosystem you work in
We know our Clients well, we are transparent, we help you make informed choices
We bring value to you too in the recruitment process... and beyond
We provide new career opportunities via a network of attractive recruiting companies


Thank you for your interest. To contact us, please fill in the form below, we will get back to you as soon as possible

122 rue de Provence
75008, Paris

Tel: +

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    ©2021 WHO Talent Partners. Tous droits réservés.
    About us

    WHO Talent Partners is an executive search boutique firm specializing on Technology and Digital. We help leading pure players as well as traditional businesses across all sectors recruit their key people, top executives as well as high level experts.